me and my boyfriend have date days every sunday and they go into the night so this past sunday he planned a day. he wanted to go to the bodies revealed exhibit but it closed by 5 so we went to plan b. he took me to a local state park and there was a trail through this forest with wild life. i'm one of the most girly girls you'll ever meet but i love nature and i love animals and getting dirty once in a while. (ps i still made sure my makeup and hair looked perfect while doing it haha) but we did the one mile trial and it was so cute and fun. we saw two deer with their babies and they were about 10 feet from us and it was beautiful in the trail. it eventually came to an observation point and we could see the lake and it was beautiful.
this is us along the trial just a quick snapshot!
there was an amazing tree that had eroded because of termites and they formed this twisting pattern throughout the trunk of the tree and it was so gorgeous i just loved the pattern. i'm obsessed with trees so i had to analyze this one for about 10 minutes lol and there were beautiful natural flowers blooming like this one.

see the pattern? amazing!
this is some of the trees in the trail, we were completely surrounded by the forest and you couldn't see out of the trail, then to the far right you can see some of the trail.
how cute is the trail you walk on?
after the trail we drove around a bit and looked at the beach and park some more then we were ready for dinner. we ended up going to the Real Seafood Co. which is an amazing restaurant. I use to go here for dinner when i was younger all the time with my family. we would drive an hour just to eat there and then drive back home. you definitely have to get seafood there, here is my gazpacho soup which is divine! and one of my favorites. i had the almond encrusted whitefish which just melted in my mouth. our table overlooked a beautiful river and it was at sunset, very picturesque!
here is a shot from inside the restaurant and these things hang from the ceiling. we sat on the second level where there are only about 5 tables and they overlook the whole restaurant along with the water.
it was a beautiful day/night, its important to take the time to have dates every week or month to keep things exciting and new in a relationship. if you are ever in the toledo, oh area and need a good restaurant look this one up!
i look forward to this sunday's date day and i'm planning it!